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Vegetecture – SE/AS107
32,00€ Il prezzo originale era: 32,00€.30,40€Il prezzo attuale è: 30,40€.

66 Progetti e realizzazioni – Versione Italiano/Inglese
Per la prima volta riuniti in un solo volume i progetti e le realizzazioni della Vegetecture, l’ultima tendenza dell’architettura contemporanea che va verso la realizzazione dell’idea di città-foresta. Dalla A di Emilio Ambasz alla Z di Zaha Hadid, tutti i progettisti che stanno lavorando col verde in architettura.
Il libro, attraverso esempi di realizzazioni e progetti da tutto il mondo, sviluppa le ultime tendenze di quella che viene chiamata Vegetecture, sintetizzando quell’unione fra verde e architettura che va oltre il verde tecnico dei giardini pensili e del verde verticale e che rappresenta la punta più avanzata dell’architettura internazionale. La proposta della Vegetecture è di considerare l’elemento vegetale come materiale primario della costruzione, non un abbellimento ma il nucleo centrale del costruito. È un nuovo atteggiamento progettuale che considera il verde come ciò che costituisce l’ambiente ideale per la vita dell’uomo. La città che ne deriva tende a portare dentro di sé la foresta, non costruendo altri giardini, ma togliendo il confine fra spazio della natura e spazio del costruito. Nell’architettura l’applicazione delle high green technology ha dimostrato di essere un valido ed efficace strumento per la costruzione delle nuove città a orientamento ecologico. Il libro è la prima panoramica della Vegetecture a livello mondiale, l’organizzazione in ordine cronologico permette di leggerne l’evoluzione nel corso del tempo.
For the first time, collected in a single volume, we present the concepts and the achievements of Vegetecture, the latest tendency in modern architecture, focused on the idea of a city-forest. From A for Emilio Ambasz, to Z for Zaha Hadid, here you can read about all the designers who are working with the greenery in architecture.
The book, by offering examples of ideas and finished projects from around the world, presents the latest trends in the discipline known as Vegetecture, summarizing the unity between greenery and architecture that goes beyond the technical greenery of roof gardens or the vertical greenery, considered as the avant-garde in international architecture. Vegetecture calls for a new perception of the vegetal element as primary construction material, not an ornament but the crucial component of the construction. It is a new attitude in design that sees greenery as a constitutive part of an ideal living surrounding of mankind. Such attitude would result in a city that will tend to bring the forest within itself, not by building more gardens, but by cancelling the divide between natural and urban areas. In architecture, the application of high green technology has proved itself to be a valid and effective instrument in the construction of new, eco-oriented cities.
This book for the first time offers a summary of Vegetecture as a world-wide phenomenon. It is presented chronologically so that the reader can trace its evolution through history.
Projects by:
William N. Morgan, Emilio Ambasz, Hundertwasser, Enrique Browne, Peter Vetsch, Terunobu Fujimori, MVRDV, Archicura, AZPA/FOA, Bureau Baubotanik, KWK Promeses, Mass Studies, OFIS architekti, François Roche, R&Sie(n), Ton Venhoeven, Philippe Samyn, Zaha Hadid, Philippe Rizzotti, Peter Cook, Walter Nicolino & Carlo Ratti, Patrick Blanc, Edina Tokodi, OFF Architecture, Verde 360, Philip Beesley, Victor Sanz Pont, Vincent Callebaut, Hiroshi Nakamura, Stelios Kois, Juli Capella, Stelios Kois, Arphenotype, Arthur Azoulai, Melody Rees, EDAW/FOA, Allies & Morrison, Perkins+Will, Indoorlandscaping, Mitchell Joachim, Marcel Kalberer, Rachel Wingfield, Laura Garofalo, Stefano La Rocca, Victor Sanz, Patrick T. Dougherty.
Prefazione di Gianluca Cristoni
Introduction by Gianluca Cristoni
Architettura della crescita, ovvero della “nuova innocenza” di Riccardo Dalisi
Architecture of decrease aka “renewed innocence” by Riccardo Dalisi
Introduzione alla Vegetecture di Maurizio Corrado
Introduction to Vegetecture di Maurizio Corrado
Progetti e realizzazioni
Projects and realizations
1975 Atlantic Beach Dunehouses – William N. Morgan
1975 Spiritual retreat house – Emilio Ambasz
1983 Hundertwasser-House – Hundertwasser
1988 District heating plant Spittelau – Hundertwasser
1990 Consorcio Santiago Building – Enrique Browne
1993 Thermal Village Blumau – Hundertwasser
1993 Earth House Estate Lättenstrasse – Peter Vetsch
1995 Acros Fukuoka – Emilio Ambasz
1997 Los Conquistadores – Enrique Browne
1998 The Forest spiral of Darmstadt – Hundertwasser
2000 Tsubaki Castle - Terunobu Fujimori
2001 Pyjama Garden – MVRDV
2002 Ospedale dell’Angelo – Emilio Ambasz
2002 Cascina Adelaide – Archicura
2003 Hortus Medicus – AZPA/FOA
2004 Ronald McDonald House – Hundertwasser
2005 The Skywalk – Bureau Baubotanik
2005 Outrial House – KWK Promeses
2005 Gourd Bottle Tower Matrix+Honeycomb Matrix – Mass Studies
2005 Farewell Chapel – OFIS architekti
2006 He shot me down – François Roche-R&Sien (n)
2006 Sportplaza Mercator – Ton Venhoeven
2007 House in the outskirts of Brussels – Philippe Samyn
2007 AZ-VUB - Akademisch Ziekenhuis Vrije Universiteit – Philippe Samyn
2007 Dongdaemun Design Park And Plaza – Zaha Hadid
2007 Enlargement Pioneer offices – Enrique Browne
2007 The Field – Bureau Baubotanik
2007 Gwang Gyo Power Centre – MVRDV
2007 Vertical Villages For European Snowbirds – Philippe Rizzotti
2007 Soak City – Peter Cook
2008 TRUSSARDI CAFÉ – Walter Nicolino & Carlo Ratti - by Patrick Blanc
2008 Mosstika Urban Greenery – Edina Tokodi
2008 Jean moulin high school – OFF Architecture
2008 Nike Sportswear – Verde 360
2008 I’mlostinParis – François Roche-R&Sien (n)
2008 Singapore Westwood – MVRDV
2008 Hylozoic Series – Philip Beesley
2008 Casa VSP+JUR – Victor Sanz Pont
2008 Lilypad – Vincent Callebaut
2008 Stratal House – Hiroshi Nakamura
2009 Departments of law and central administration – Peter Cook
2009 Galije – MVRDV
2009 KANENA building in Amaan Jordan – Stelios Kois
2009 Medianera Verde – Capella Garcia
2009 Brus Residence – Stelios Kois
2009 Floating Permaculture – Arphenotype
2010 Praxis of flow – Arthur Azoulai & Melody Rees
2010 London 2012 Olympic Park – EDAW/FOA, Allies & Morrison, HOK Sport
2010 Bank of America Center – Perkins and Will-Indoorlandscaping
2010 The Platform – Bureau Baubotanik
2010 Taiwan Tower - The Tower of droplets – Peter Cook
2010 Fab Tree Hab – Mitchell Joachim
2010 Willow-church for the Garden Exposition – Marcel Kalberer
2010 Rose-Pavillion – Marcel Kalberer
2010 MetaboliCity – Rachel Wingfield
2010 Urbaneering Brooklyn 2110 – Mitchell Joachim
2010 Green Brain – Mitchell Joachim
2010 Segok hills – Mvrdv
2010 Science Centre – OFF Architecture
2010 Hongqiao Soho – Zaha Hadid
2011 Garden of Shared Resources – Laura Garofalo
2011 Geolibrary Polyfunctional Suspended - GPS – Stefano La Rocca
2011 Willow arcad – Marcel Kalberer
2011 Floriade – Mvrdv
2011 Beton Hala Waterfront Center – Victor Sanz
2011 Stickwork – Patrick T. Dougherty
Ancora non ci sono recensioni.